The decision has been made and now there is no backing out.
I have purchased the touring bike, a really sweet 51cm Trek 520 in the bronze for
2012 coloring. They even let me do parts of the build (albeit with someone standing
over my shoulder the whole time as it should be) so that I could become intimately
intertwined with my bike. Which, by the way I have named "T". (I name all my bikes it
makes them happy and lets them know they are part of a family.)
I have purchased the Arkel bags (yep zippers and pockets) in 'yield to me yellow'
for the back and 'STOP don't aim for me for red' for the front. I have added shoes and
XTR pedals, popped out the headset and added a Chris King and the boys at the shop
are debating what snazzy color to rewrap my handlebars in. Hell, I even bought a
Garmin so that I wouldn't get lost... okay well that is really not going to help me much in
the getting lost, verses not getting lost category, but at least when I get lost I will know I
am lost. And sometimes lost is a good place to be, sometimes not so much.
I have even taken "T" for her inaugural ride. It was about eighteen miles. A far cry
from what I will be doing daily soon, but for an idea of how much I weigh completely
loaded with bags (and nothing else), it was a good eye opener for me. I liked the way
she handled. We had a few moments of "No, you will do what I want, not what you want."
and I understand there will be several more of those, but for the most part we seem to
understand each other. I have promised her things like good chain lube and wipe downs
on request and she responds well to those promises.
Now, it is that moment when I realize I have less than two months before my first
journey commences. I keep adding things to my packing list as I go: Petzl light (with red
filter) for viewing and Marmot full zip rain pants for easy on and off, tent and stove. Still
need a sleeping bag and some pots, but I have a kick-ass titanium spork.
I have been told what I can't bring and I am still working on what I can.
I am deeply nervous even when I tell everyone it is a grand adventure (which it
is). I am nervous--like deep down don't screw this up nervous.
It isn't like writing which comes and goes ,but if I sit down just works its way out of
my head onto my paper (or keyboard). No, this is my strength of will against something
most people don't do. I can't even begin to tell you how many people have asked if I
(and my partners) were crazy, or why are we doing this? I even had someone ask me
what I was trying to prove. I don't know that I am trying to "prove" anything. Then again,
maybe I am. There is no one on the road but me at the beginning and end of the day,
and no matter that I have partners to talk to and encourage me, as I will do for them, I
still have to pedal my way to the stopping point every day. It's a long way from being arm
candy and, there are those really scared moments inside my head where I wonder if I
should be arm candy again. It is so much easier to be "pretty" than it is to be strong, but
it is a miserable experience to be pretty and this is, if nothing else, exciting. I am sure
there will be many times I will be miserable, but it will be a misery I choose and there is
freedom in that.
Training for all of us is a lot of riding our bikes. There are already injuries to deal
with, and in some ways you have to take those into account, and in some ways you just
push on through. I am definitely a pusher with a will of stubborn steel, and I hope that
stands me in good stead. There will be plenty of updates on my progress and that of my
friends, but here it is, no turning back...